Senator Schumer Requests Plastic Wrap Investigation for Impurity

Our sincere appreciation goes to Sen. Chuck Shumer for recognizing the dangers of phthalates in plastic food wraps and many other everyday plastic products that touch our lives!Schumer

Hawaii has a serious trash problem

Originally, some thought a Japanese tsunami caused an uptick in trash flooding Hawaii’s shoreline, but a new survey suggests otherwise.  Plastic that has dangerous chemicals used to euthanize animals, et al.  is washing up on what we use to think of as paradise.  Premier Classic Products has the answer to a lot of this problem.  Visit http://www.pregrp.comHawaii 2


Hats off to NBC News for the report on Consumers Prefer ‘Honest Brands”!


In a recent report from NBC News’ Nicole Audrey, she states that “73% of consumers said that they would be willing to pay more for a product that offers complete transparency.”  That is why we make Premier Classic Products 100% plastic food containers. for details.  Read the article at the link below.

What is the Harvard School of Health Saying about plastic?

  • Local and state governments are banning the sale of baby bottles that contain the chemical bisphenol A (BPA), creating a confusing patchwork of regulations.
  • But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and most comparable agencies around the world maintain that the chemical is safe.
  • They cite a lack of human research data that BPA poses health problems, while discounting considerable animal evidence that the chemical is hazardous.


  • Why do countries (like Canada) ban BPA?
  • Harvard showed that students who drank soda from steel cans one week and from plastic bottles the following week had a 69% increase of BPA in their systems. Do we need more evidence?
  • The American Chemistry Council issued a statement in 2010 that there should be a modernization of the regulatory laws.
  • Nothing has been done to date. Why no10996310_10152915988239934_1763325422781426498_n